M-16 parts November 1, 2016

M-16 parts November 1, 2016

M-16 parts November 1, 2016

-Submitted photo Mike Ewing, of Farnhamville, posed next to a guard tower at a base in Qui Nhon, South Vietnam, for this photo. He's holding an M-16 ...
But before she could become third in command of the hospital's 100-member cohort, she needed to master her M-16. Tackett, a Hartford native who is 
Stop behind an abandoned warehouse. Get inside. Find the first-aid box. Grab the M-16. If there are flashlights around, get your hands on them. 
The M4 carbine, pictured here being fired at a West Point gun range, is a shorter and lighter variant of the M16 rifle. The M4 has been adopted by the ...