M-16 parts January 2, 2017

Two million steps through history


M-16 assault rifles” appear “nervous, and it was hard to blame them”, he falls into the trap of blaming both sides equally. There doesn't seem to the appreciation that one side is the occupier, and the other, the occupied. One side is armed to the teeth, and the other side has knives and stones. One of the

Letter: Collins betrayed citizens with concealed carry bill

Buffalo News

We New Yorkers voted for strong laws to reduce gun deaths when we passed the SAFE Act. It bans new ownership of semiautomatic weapons, guns of war like the M-16s we used. The Siena Research Institute said in October 2015 that “(n)early three years after its enactment, support for the SAFE Ac

Insurgents attack house of Narathiwat defence volunteer

The Nation

About five or six insurgents opened fire at the house with M16 assault rifles and 9mm pistols while Arthit and five family members were sleeping. ... Troops and police checked the scene the following morning and they found 43 spent shells of M16 ammunition and 11 spent shells of 9mm ammunition

Desert Eagle: The Gun That Is Part Revolver, Pistol and Rifle

The National Interest Online (blog)

The bolt face, which uses multiple teeth to lock into battery, was derived from the M-16 and AR-15 family of rifles. Unlike other pistols the barrel was fixed in place, and rather than use a blowback system the Desert Eagle used a gas piston system derived from the Ruger Mini-14 semi-automatic rifle

Slap This! New Yorkers Rally in Support Ahed Tamimi

The Indypendent

Her crime: slapping an IDF soldier who was armed with an M-16 assault rifle. The incident was captured on video and has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times online. Only moments prior to the soldiers' arrival, Tamimi had learned that her cousin, 15-years-old Mohammed Tamimi, was in